So This I Write To You

Hunter Fierro
1 min readJun 29, 2021

So this I write to you

This world can be cold

It can chew you up

It will spit you out

It will send trial after trial

Heartache after heartache

Struggle after struggle

You will fall

You will rise

Only to fall again

But every time you get back up

Know that you have the power

The power to change your reality

Believe in this

Believe that each obstacle you face

Only strengthens your spirit

Only gives that much more experience

And through these experiences

You light the path

You illuminate the soul

So this I write to you

Everything is temporary

You can make reality a dream

Or a dream to reality

You have the power

It is up to you

So set this world ablaze

And let go

Let go of your restraints

Your anger

Your frustrations

Your sadness

Let it all go

And set your spirit free…

